Rethinking space: versatile furniture for small apartments

As an interior design specialist, I am always on the lookout for the latest trends and innovative solutions to make the most out of every square foot in a home. One of the most significant challenges that many city dwellers face is dealing with small apartments. However, with a bit of creativity and the right … Read more

Transform your home into a stunning masterpiece with these successful mix-and-match decor styles!

Transform your home into a stunning masterpiece with these successful mix-and-match decor styles!
© IGS Mag

Eclectic elegance is a design trend that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves the artful blending of different decor styles to create a unique and personalized aesthetic. This approach allows you to break free from the constraints of traditional design rules and express your individuality through your home decor. However, achieving a … Read more

Brighten up your life: transform your home with these trending layered lighting techniques!

Brighten up your life: transform your home with these trending layered lighting techniques!
© IGS Mag

Layered lighting is a concept that has been gaining traction in the world of interior design. It’s all about using different types of light sources to create a balanced and dynamic environment. This approach not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also improves its functionality. As an interior design specialist, I am … Read more

Transform your hectic life: uncover the surprising secrets to creating a zen sanctuary at home!

transform your hectic life: uncover the surprising secrets to creating a zen sanctuary at home!
© IGS Mag

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, our homes can often feel like anything but a sanctuary. The constant noise, clutter, and chaos can make it difficult to find peace and tranquility. However, with a few simple changes, you can transform your home into a zen sanctuary that promotes calmness and relaxation. As an … Read more